From Fear to Healing: A Mother's Journey to Embracing Inner Peace

From Fear to Healing: A Mother's Journey to Embracing Inner Peace

Mothers hold a unique role in illuminating their families. Research indicates that the happiness of mothers, even more than fathers, can influence the mental health trajectories of their children. However, we often overlook the necessity of providing spiritual and inner support that mothers, like all individuals, require throughout their lifetimes.

heart chakra, mala necklace, meditation, well-being, reiki


My journey into motherhood began almost four years ago when Sophia came into my life. Despite my immense joy and the long wait to become a mother, I found myself grappling with fear every second of every day. The memory remains vivid, as if it happened yesterday. My mother was present to assist, and my pregnancy extended by 10 days before childbirth. Once my mother returned to Romania, I was left alone with a fragile, crying baby in my arms. The love was overwhelming, yet I was paralyzed by the thought of making a mistake. What if she was hungry and I couldn't decipher her needs? What if she felt sad—how could I comfort her? Encircling advice suggested I put her down, but my anxiety deepened, leading to a profound depression. The dream I had longed for was clouded with resentment.

mala necklace natural rose quartz and amethyst stone


Alin was at work, I juggled a full-time job from home, and I was responsible for this precious yet dauntingly delicate baby. Each time my mother-in-law visited; her criticism intensified my struggle. It's no wonder that depression took root and persisted. However, my desire for more children compelled me to confront my emotions and prioritize my mental well-being. I was convinced that a happy mother was the foundation of a harmonious home.


My journey to healing began with alterations to my digital consumption—changing what I viewed and followed on my phone, as well as altering my podcast choices. Reintroducing meditation was pivotal. I started with just five minutes a day, utilizing a meditation app. I also turned to podcasts guiding me on improving my role as a wife and mother. Last year, I even became a Reiki practitioner, driven by the desire to heal myself and aid others in their healing journeys. As an individual deeply attuned to emotions, my focus remains on nurturing my heart chakra. Rose quartz and amethyst malas have become my companions in this effort.

rose quartz natural stone mala for meditation

Here is my heart chakra meditation:

Here is what I use: Natural rose quartz and natural amethyst stones. Sometimes I use one or the other, and sometimes I use them together. You can do this meditation even without any gemstones; just use the energy of your hands. The gemstones can be placed next to you or held in your hands. I prefer to keep them close to my heart, so that the energy is right next to my heart chakra. A crucial step is to keep your feet grounded. This will help you feel rooted, stable, and connected to the energy of the Earth.


Set your intention for this meditation: to open and balance your heart chakra, allowing love and healing energy to flow freely. Shift your attention to your breath. Inhale deeply through your nose, feeling your abdomen rise, and then exhale slowly. Release any tension or distractions with each breath.

Mala Necklaces that you can use for this meditation:

Romance and Love - 108 Mala Necklace Morganite Beads

Romance and Love - 108 Mala Necklace Morganite Beads for meditation 


Gentle Nature - 108 Knotted Mala Kunzite with Adjustable Bracelet

Gentle Nature - 108 Knotted Mala Kunzite with Adjustable Bracelet meditation


Kindness and Compassion - 108 Rose Quartz Mala Necklace

Kindness and Compassion - 108 Rose Quartz Mala Necklace

Cleansing and Inspiration - 108 Mala with Amethyst and Rose Quartz with Bracelet

Cleansing and Inspiration - 108 Mala with Amethyst and Rose Quartz with Bracelet

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