How to take care of your mala

How to take care of your mala

Mala beads are a beautiful and unique way to keep your intention close to you throughout the day, but they does require some special care. In this blog post, we'll go over some tips on how to cleanse, charge, and store your mala so that it lasts for years to come.

Your mala is more than just a piece of jewellery - it's a sacred tool that you use to connect with your higher self. Malas are often used in meditation, as a reminder of your intention or mantra. Because of their personal nature, it's important that you take care of your mala so that it lasts for years to come. In this blog post, we'll go over some tips on how to cleanse, charge, and store your mala.

How to Cleanse Your Mala Beads

Your mala will gradually absorb the oils from your skin as you wear it throughout the day. It's important to cleanse your mala beads on a regular basis so that they don't become dull. One way to cleanse your mala is by using sage smoke. Simply hold your mala over the smoke of a burning sage stick until it's fully cleansed. You can also use Palo Santo wood or Palo Santo oil - simply apply a few drops of oil to a soft cloth and wipe down each bead.

How to Charge Your Mala Beads

Just like any other tool, your mala needs to be charged regularly so that it can work at its highest level. There are many different ways to charge your mala beads - you can place them in the sun for a few hours, expose them to moonlight overnight, or bury them in the earth for 24 hours. Once you've charged your mala, simply hold it in your hands and set your intention for the day.

How to Store Your Mala Beads

When you're not wearing your mala beads, it's important to store them properly so that they don't become damaged. The best way to store your mala is in a soft cloth pouch - this will protect the beads and keep them clean. You can also place your mala on a stand or hanging from a hook - just make sure that it's out of reach of small children or pets who might mistake it for a toy!

Taking care of your mala beads is important if you want them to last for years to come. By following these simple tips on how to cleanse, charge, and store your mala, you'll be able to enjoy its benefits for many years to come! Thanks for reading!

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