Unlocking Your Intuition: Trusting Your Inner Guidance

Unlocking Your Intuition: Trusting Your Inner Guidance

Have you ever experienced that feeling of "I JUST KNOW," where you rely on your intuition? Intuition can be understood through three main impressions: clear sensing, feeling through listening, and the third eye.


The third eye refers to when your perception goes beyond what is happening in each situation. Clear sensing, on the other hand, is like having a hunch or gut feeling. It occurs when you are overwhelmed by a sensation that you can't quite explain, and all you can say is, "I just know."


Feeling through listening involves the ability to read between the lines. Intuition can also manifest when a particular sound, such as a specific song or a smell, triggers an intense feeling within you.


I used to have a very strong intuition and trusted it fully. However, I also found myself absorbing other people's negative energy for a long time. I was surrounded by individuals who were highly critical and negative about everything and everyone. As a result, I lost faith in my intuition for years.


However, during my Reiki course, I had a conversation with one of the girls in the course who shared a similar experience from her past. She acknowledged that I possessed a strong intuition but had somehow lost it along the way. This realization prompted me to decide—it was time to reclaim my intuition.


Now, let me share with you the steps I took to regain my intuition:


Cultivate self-awareness: I started by practicing activities like meditation, mindfulness, and journaling. These practices created a space for self-reflection, allowing me to quiet my mind and tune in to my inner thoughts and feelings. By becoming more attuned to myself, I enhanced my ability to recognize and trust my intuition.


Listen to my body: I paid attention to the physical sensations that arose when faced with decisions. I noticed feelings of expansion, tightness, or discomfort in different parts of my body. I realized that my body often responded to situations before my conscious mind fully comprehended them. By listening to these cues, I gained valuable insights and made choices that aligned with my authentic self.


Trust my gut feeling: I learned to trust my "gut feeling" or inner knowing. I acknowledged and honored these subtle nudges that arose without logical reasoning. It could manifest as a hunch, a sudden insight, or a sense of resonance with a particular option. I cultivated trust in these intuitive impulses as they guided me towards the right path.


Practice active listening: I created moments of stillness and solitude to quiet the external noise and tune in to my internal guidance. Engaging in activities that promoted introspection, such as spending time in nature, practicing creative pursuits, or engaging in mindful practices like walking or yoga, helped me actively listen to my inner voice or intuition. This allowed me to attune myself to the subtle messages and guidance it provided.


Test my intuition: I started by applying my intuition to smaller, less consequential decisions in my daily life. I practiced trusting my instincts and acted based on my inner guidance. As I witnessed positive outcomes and alignment with my authentic self, my trust in my intuition naturally strengthened. This process of testing and validation built a solid foundation of confidence in my intuitive abilities.


Reflect on past experiences: I took the time to reflect on past experiences and how they related to my intuition. I recalled instances where I followed or ignored my inner guidance and noticed the outcomes and how they aligned (or misaligned) with my intuition. By reviewing these experiences, I learned from them and deepened my understanding of the wisdom that lies within me.


Surround myself with supportive people: I sought out relationships with individuals who valued and trusted their own intuition. Surrounding myself with like-minded individuals provided encouragement, validation, and a safe space to share experiences and insights. Engaging in meaningful conversations about intuition deepened my understanding and helped me refine my intuitive skills.


Let go of fear and doubt: I recognized when fear and doubt arose and consciously chose to release them. I trusted that my intuition was a reliable compass that could guide me toward my highest good. I embraced the courage to follow my inner guidance, even when it seemed uncertain or went against external expectations.


Unlocking my intuition and trusting my inner guidance has been a powerful journey of self-discovery. By cultivating self-awareness, listening to my body, trusting my gut feeling, practicing active listening, testing my intuition, reflecting on past experiences, surrounding myself with supportive people, and letting go of fear and doubt, I have regained my connection to my intuition and tapped into its wisdom.

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